Experts suggest nutrient-rich fodder to increase milk and meat production


FAISALABAD (ABC) — Experts stressed the importance of nutrient-rich fodder for the livestock to enhance milk and meat production in Pakistan as the country’s economy is directly linked with the agriculture and livestock sectors, both of which need attention to increase efficiency.

Punjab Malik Allah Bakhsh, Director General of Agricultural Research, told WealthPK it is essential to secure sufficient supplies of quality fodder during the growing season. This approach, he noted, could bolster the country’s production potential.

“Farmers must learn the method of preserving fodder for a long time so that their animals could consume a healthy food which would ultimately improve their health and production.

Following the experiments conducted by the Adaptive Research Punjab in the field areas, it has been proved that the per acre yield of fodder crops could be increased if the farmers follow the specific patterns,” he said.

Elaborating the patterns, he said growers must carefully select and prepare the cultivated land, ensure quality seeds, timely plantation, harvesting at appropriate time, and use fertilizers efficiently. He asked farmers to follow the recommendations of experts for increased production.

Dr Qamar Shakil, an expert in fodder crops at the Fodder Research Station, Faisalabad, said during a couple of years of experimentation, they have developed some effective fodder crops and are in the final stages of approval.

He said by promoting the cultivation of new varieties of fodder crops such as sorghum, maize, lucerne, berseem, and oats, the country will be able to increase milk and meat production significantly.

Besides, he said other grass varieties like Mart Grass, Road Grass, and Napier Grass will also cater to the fodder needs of the animals.

Dr Qamar said Australian scientist Professor Dr. Richard recently visited the Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, where he was given a briefing on the fodder crops. Richard and some other scientists assured financial and technical assistance for new projects.

He said the international institutions’ assistance will strengthen the research efforts in Pakistan.

Experts have urged the Punjab government to extend special subsidies to farmers so that they could purchase livestock-related machinery. They said globally farmers are getting subsidies to enhance their capacity and capabilities.

Ahtshamul Haq, a farmer, told WealthPK that without equipping and training the farmers, Pakistan could not battle the growing challenges the agriculture and livestock sectors are facing.

“Our farmers are still employing decades-old methods of farming and livestock care. We try to convince them to adopt the modern practices to bolster production and profits, but they are not heeding our advice,” he lamented.

Ahtsham said the farmers knew that their crop and livestock production is low, leading to financial issues. To tackle these challenges, there is a need to purchase the modern machinery, but our elders are reluctant to spend even a penny to improve their financial condition, he added.

Muhammad Afzal, who ran a milk shop some time back, told WealthPK that his business was profitable until he had to abandon it due to escalating demands from milk suppliers.

He observed that as milk demand rose, investors established their own sales outlets. Consequently, small shopkeepers like himself faced financial difficulties, unable to meet the advance payments required by milkmen, who were the main suppliers from rural areas to urban shops.

“I still believe that the number of livestock is insufficient relative to consumer demand,” Afzal said.