Prince Louis to become the ‘new Prince Harry’: ‘The risk is real’


Web Desk, July 13, 2023: Experts have just sparked fears surrounding Prince Louis’ future, as well as the chances of him becoming the second Prince Harry.

The CEO of National Family Mediation (NFM), Sarah Hawkins weighed in on these warnings.

She weighed in on everything during a candid interview with Express UK.

There, she started everything off by saying, “There’s always the risk that Louis will see what has happened to his uncle and worry that the same fate will befall him.”

“Mediation can help work through such issues amongst adults, which can only be a positive for all concerned,” she also added.

Ms Hawkins also added, “There’s always the risk that Louis will see what has happened to his uncle and worry that the same fate will befall him.”

“Mediation can help work through such issues amongst adults, which can only be a positive for all concerned,” she also weighed in before signing off.

For those unversed ,these fears have been brought forward in response to fears from Kate Middleton herself, who worries that Princess Charlotte may also be left in the dust.

According to an insider close to, “Kate is navigating everything very carefully.”

Mainly because “she wants Charlotte to know that, while George and their dad will always have a special bond, she has that with her mum.”