While it’s almost like a nightmare for this generation to spend moments without our phones and laptops, a horrifying model generated by artificial intelligence that predicts what humans will look like a few centuries later might motivate some to spend less time on tech devices.
A terrifying model called “Mindy” has been developed by researchers. They believed the model sheds some light on what humans could look like due to their unhealthy reliance on technology.
AI predicts the future based on how we use devices today. Our backs are usually hunched with our necks dropped down and our hands are almost always using our phones.
Cretaed by Toll Free Forwarding, Mindy, therefore, has a very wide neck, a hunched back, clawed hands, and another set of eyelids.
Toll Free Forwarding was making an attempt to help people visualise how technology affects our bodies physically.
“We sourced scientific research and expert opinion on the subject, before working with a 3D designer to create a future human whose body has physically changed due to consistent use of smartphones, laptops, and other tech,” the company explained.
According to the model, looking down at our phones for hundreds of years will eventually result in a hunched posture. Similarly, holding smartphones for centuries will lead to the development of a claw shape in our hands.