Nov 29(ABC): Shraddha Kapoor has always stunned the audience with her skills and she never misses a chance to do something different. For her next film, she will be seen playing a Kashmiri girl, Rukhsana Kausar who killed a terrorist.
A source close to Pinkvilla revealed that makers were looking for someone who would be able to look like a 20 year old on-screen as the original character was of this age. Makers have complete belief that Shraddha would do justice to this character and it is completely different from what she has done earlier.
Shraddha did a special appearance in Varun Dhawan’s Bhediya for a song as it is part of a universe created through Stree, originally played by Shraddha. She will be seen in Stree 2 soon and also a part of Luv Ranjan’s untitled alongside Ranbir Kapoor.