Oct 25(ABC): Akshay Kumar talked about his upcoming film Ram Setu in a recent interview. The actor said that Ram Setu is proudly rooted in Indian history and includes many unknown facts, as reported by Hindustan Times.
Akshay said that the team of Ram Setu has done immense research to present accurate historical events in the film and has also brought out many unknown facts. Moreover, he assures the audience that his film won’t be disrespecting any religious beliefs.
Akshay said, “Ram Setu is very proudly rooted in Indian history and culture. On the factual side, the team has relied on deep research to represent what is true and bring out several unknown facts.”
He further added, “On the spiritual, sentimental side, we have not only remained emotionally respectful, but I can assure you that the values and beliefs associated with Shri Ram and Ram Setu are being uniquely upheld.”
Ram Setu is an action-adventure drama film which is directed by Abhishek Sharma and stars Akshay Kumar, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Nushrratt Bharucha in the lead roles.